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Photos Acquigny
Haute Normandie Eure
Pictures Acquigny
Photos | France Photos | Acquigny Normandie France Photos Acquigny Normandy

Acquigny - Eure - France
Photo Acquigny Normandie France Photos Acquigny Normandy
Deux rivières, l'Eure et l'Iton, traversent la commune d'Acquigny. L'Eure était autrefois navigable jusqu'à Chartres, l'Iton quant à lui a vu son cours détourné au XIIe siècle pour alimenter les moulins de la région.
Two rivers, the Eure and Iton, cross the town of Acquigny. The Eure was once navigable to Chartres, the Iton meanwhile saw his course diverted in the twelfth century to supply the mills of the region.
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